Primary Courses


Interested in enrolling for Primary One in 2024?

We have three levels of entry for Primary 1 students to ensure your child goes into the right class. By being placed in one of 3 different levels at Primary 1, children gain immediate confidence in class and enjoy their tuition.

At ELC, students are praised and encouraged in order to build confidence to succeed through constant guided practice.

  • The Pre-Primary Class

    For children aged 6 and above (PPSPM, PPF)

    This is for children who need to acquire basic reading and writing skills. They gain intensive reading practice using the Ginn, Longman and Sunshine Reading Schemes. Language development is encouraged by placing emphasis on a balance of listening, discussion, sequencing, reading comprehension and writing.


  • The Basic Primary One Programme

    For all children aged 7 to 12 (P1F, P1S, P1SPM)

    This is for students who are familiar with the alphabet and have some reading skills but for whom English is a second or third language. There is a carefully graded approach to grammar. Good pronunciation and speaking skills are acquired using a British coursebook Incredible English audio CDs.

    Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3

  • The Cambridge One Programme

    For children aged 7 to 12 with a background in English (C1F, C1S)

    This is for children who are confident users of English and already have a sound foundation in reading so they can work independently. The course is child-centered encouraging pupils to write about themselves and their experiences. Students are taught writing skills for different purposes through studying different genres, e.g. reports, charts, stories, advertisements, brochures.


